Alloy Grade UNS: CA40 – “400 series” Alloy

  • Overview

    CA40 is a high-strength, corrosion-resistant stainless steel alloy belonging to the "400 series." Similar to CA15/MTEK 410, it is a high-carbon, straight chrome alloy, but with the potential for even greater hardness through heat treatment. This enhanced hardness contributes to its excellent abrasion and wear resistance, making it well-suited for applications involving friction and contact stress. CA40 offers a valuable combination of strength, hardness, and corrosion resistance, making it a suitable choice for demanding environments where components must withstand both mechanical wear and corrosive elements.

  • Typical Uses

    Aerospace, bearings, bushings, chemical and food processing equipment, conveyor rollers, cutlery, impellers, medical devices, pump and valve components, turbine engine parts. 

  • MetalTek Grade

    MTEK 420

  • Poured At:

    Carondelet Division, Sandusky International Division, Wisconsin Centrifugal Division, Wisconsin Investcast Division

Similar Specifications

Cast UNS: J91153

Wrought UNS: S42000

Wrought Grade: 420

Cast Grade: CA40

Cast ASTM: A743

Typical Chemical Composition (% by wt.)

Aluminum: n/a

Carbon: 0.20-0.40

Chromium: 11.5-14.0

Manganese: 1

Iron: n/a

Copper: n/a

Nickel: 1.00 MAX

Lead: n/a

Tin: n/a

Silicon: 1.5

Zinc: n/a

Minimum Mechanical Properties

Brinell Typical:


Tensile, ksi


Tensile, MPa


Calculated PREn (Minimum)


Yield, ksi


Yield, MPa




Heat Treatment: Anneal, Harden And Temper

NOTES: Brinell value is MAX.