
MetalTek Downloads - Your source for Information

Employing a breadth of metalworking processes and depth of metallurgical collaboration not available from any other single source, MetalTek brings real world expertise in 450+ alloy grades.  That means that our customers can access the expertise they need to make their products perform in their specialized applications.  Review our alloy guide and give one of our metallurgists a call.  We can help make your products and business better.

A quick and simple reference guide indicating our capabilities for our various divisions.  Simply click the link below and download it now. 

To assist you in determining which alloys might be a fit for your application, MetalTek created this useful resource. Regardless if you are wondering what a group of alloys or even a specific alloy grade is typically used for, MetalTek has you covered. Have a specific application or component in mind? Check out our section towards the end for a list of alloys used for select items.

Not finding what you are looking for or still have questions? Contact MetalTek today and access 20+ metallurgists and 80+ engineers to get the information and advice you need to excel.

Download Our
Alloy Guide

Download Our
Plant Capabilities Sheet

Download Our
Where Used Guide