Blog Archives

Bronze Bushings

It’s Still The Bronze Age

November 25, 2020

Metallurgically, Bronze is a copper-based metal alloyed with tin, lead, aluminum or other elements to change the material’s physical or mechanical properties.  The historic “Bronze Age” stretched from around 3000 B.C. to about 1000 B.C.  Early craftsmen found the material easier to deal with than stone for many uses, and more durable than other materials…

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MetalTek Alloys

Material Applications: Heat Resistant Alloy Profiles Part 2

November 25, 2020

Iron Chrome (Fe-Cr) Alloys. This group includes the grades HA, HC and HD. Description This family of stainless steel is often used in higher temperature but lower stress applications. Properties – Why select this material Effective in load-bearing applications at temperatures up to 1200°F-1300°F/650°C-700°C). HA is used for components in low-stress applications. Resistant to high…

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MetalTek Alloys

Nitronic Austenitic Stainless Steel Material Profile

November 25, 2020

Grade Nitronic® 50 (J93790 / CG6MMN / Licensed by Armco, Inc.) Description Low carbon austenitic stainless steel Nitronic 50 Material Properties – Why select this material The most corrosion resistant alloy in the Nitronic family. Mechanical properties and corrosion resistance are superior to published values for CF8/304 and CF8M/316. Excellent performance in acidic, chloride and…

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Shaped Centrifugal Casting Part

Shaped Centrifugal Castings

November 25, 2020

Centrifugally cast components are typically thought of as straight walled cylindrical geometries such as tubes, pipe, or rings. They are often cast horizontally in permanent steel dies that have a removable end cap.  Because the part must be extracted from the uncollapsible die, shaping is limited to geometries that have a straight or slightly drafted O.D. …

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Metal Wear

What Is Wear?

November 25, 2020

Walking across a grocery store parking lot, six-year-old Danny stumbled, fell down and did further damage to his already worn jeans.  He looked up with little tears in his eyes and said, “Daddy, maybe you should get me pants made out of steel!”  That got Daddy to thinking: What really is wear and what makes…

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MetalTek Alloys

Alloy Numbering Systems

November 25, 2020

Surfing around the reaches of cable TV the other night, we came across an airing of Atlas Shrugged.  In the book/movie, Hank Rearden has developed a brand new light-weight high-performance alloy for railroads that threatens to revolutionize the industry.  Called “Rearden Metal” (once his career-savvy Marketing guys get a hold of it), Hank is protective…

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MetalTek Experts

MetalTek International Glossary of Metal Casting Terms

November 25, 2020

If you Google “Casting Terminology”, you get over 50 million results.  Some of the results will show you a never-ending list of terms so here is a reduced list of select terms that you should be familiar with as a current or potential user of metal castings.  To see a complete list of terms on…

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Hub Body

5 Examples When Castings Were Better Option vs. Fabrication or Forging

November 25, 2020

Partnering with a supplier that brings a full range of metalworking processes lets you be confident that you are getting the best metalworking advice – and not just being sold on an idea because it is the only answer a supplier has. The replacement of multi-piece weldments or highly-machined hogouts by single piece castings has…

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Centrifugal Casting Process Graphic

Centrifugal Casting Process: Advantages and Limitations

November 24, 2020

Advantages Centrifugal Casting Eliminates Mid-wall Defects The centrifugal process does not rely on discrete risers or feed points to ensure the absence of trapped porosity. Rather, the inner diameter remains fully liquid during the solidification process, resulting in a continuous supply of metal to feed areas of contraction. Unlike conventional gravity or static castings that…

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Bronze Bushings

Bearium Alloys

November 24, 2020

For over 60 years, Bearium® Metals have been chosen for performance under the toughest operating conditions. These are high lead tin bronze alloys containing virgin copper, tin, and specially processed lead. Bearium® metals can be used where other bearing materials may fail due to speed, load, temperature, or where lubrication is difficult, impossible, or simply…

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